I look at the desk with a Z in the center I will
write my first poem on someday. I crack
open my algebra book, unsure what to study. I crack open Cool Joe Thomas’
Biology book and take notes on selected pages I will never be tested on. That night I prop my leg up and make a cup of
instant coffee. That night I think about Renae Howard. . I wonder how I can go about
telling her that I think about her all the time even though I go to a high
school in the shit side of town.
That night I will try to sleep only sleep will be
denied because of pain. Sleep will be denied because of light. Sleep will be
denied. The night somehow I can peep in her blinders. Somehow they are ajar
and casting a breath of shadow against the wall. Somehow I can see her, The
girl with the blonde hair who was rattling her tors while I was watching her dance
late at night.
She is wearing jeans and shirt with a giant capital M plastered in the center. She is writing. There are no text books. I am waiting for any subtle movement. My lights are off. I intermittently peer through my own blinds staying just far enough to the right so that
She is writing. She has her legs forming an upper-
case A into her breast. She is tilting
her head. It looks like she might have
been crying. She is writing She is
quilling her pen across forehead of white paper, inking the thinned-veined
flesh of the page with streams of emotion. She is tackling the page. It looks
like she is knitting with one hand. It
feels like she is trying to blue the tip of the pen into the vacuous socket of
the page.
She is beautiful.
She is beautiful.
I can’t stop staring at the college girl next door
knowing that she does not know I am looking at her.
I can’t stop wondering about her world.
I can’t stop looking into the window. I should be studying. Precipitously I balance my left leg on the side of the bed three years earlier my father used to kneel down as we would barter prayers every night. I can’t stop looking at the enlighten square. I can’t stop looking at the
She is still writing. She has been writing for over an hour.
Perhaps she is journaling. Perhaps she is channeling cursive sentences
conveying her romantic disdain. She has her blonde hair up in a pony tail. My
leg hurts. I am still balancing precipitously on the side of the bed. Every subtle shift of her anatomy I inch
Then it happens. She is breaking free from her
body. She sets her notebook down like an
overturned mortarboard. She rises. She
stretches, I have been paralyzed for balancing
precipitously with a shit appendage on the side of my bed for ballast. Then is happens. She gets up and arches her back,
her arms forming a Y. Her neck looks around her head like a trained otter. She
then lowers her arms and crosses them near her waist, alighting her shirt like
a drape. Her skin is white. I can see the silk hyphen that is the back of her
bra. Before I know it she is tucking her stomach in, pinching at the center of
her jeans, shaking the lower part of her body slowly like a mermaid kicking out
of a pair of fins. Her panties are green. I have never seen a woman wearing
mismatched underwear before. She stretches up and out again. There is a mole on
her back that looks like the state of Rhode Island. She is facing my direction.
It is like she is cognizant of my adolescent pining ever though she is completely
oblivious of my presence. She places both her arms behind her back, her elbows
jutted out like burgeoning wings. She is facing my direction. The bra releases
itself in a silk tumble. She holds it like a defeated albino eel before
carelessly tossing it the corner of her room.

Briefly she snaps at the back of her panties. She is still
facing my direction. At first I think
she will be entirely naked. At first I think she will lower the tip of her
panties availing the inscrutable keyhole to some other world. Her breasts are bulbous, ivory orbs floating
below her chin. Both nipples seem crossed eyed and staring at me at the same
I continue to balance on my bed.
The girl takes off her pony tail holder. She
traipses across the room again, this time in slow motion. When I see her coming back to her bed I
notice that she has been wearing her socks the entire time.
She snaps at the back of her panties once again as
if swatting off a wedgie before slinking into the top of her bed, the vertical
rectangle I have been peering inside of like an advent calendar hushes into a
socket of blankness.
The lights are off in both are bedrooms. She is ten
feet away from me, segregated between cheap domestic ply-wood domicile constructing
architecture wearing only her panties.
I wonder if the tops of her fingers are traversing
near the center of her anatomy.
I wonder if she is trying to enter herself.
I wonder if she feels all alone in life.
I wonder if she needs someone to hold her.
I grab the crinkled numbers belonging my cousin Todd Brooks.
It is three o’clock in the morning. I have an hour
and a half before I need to before my father will wake me up for the paper
I leave all the lights off in the house. I skulk
through the kitchen past the refrigerator.
I head for the door.
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