is 1991 and music is changing. The chords seem to bruise against the frets of
an incumbent decade in the residual ache of a war in a far odd place we
purportedly won that no one understands why we entered in the first place. It is
the early 90’s and music is changing. KZ93 has a two hour segment every Friday
night called channel Z where they play music that is big in record stores off
college campuses, bands with names like Belly and R.E.M and the Lemonheads and
Weezer, music that seems to have less glitter and more emotional merit,
guttural thrashing feedback tattooed to the off-kilter gnarling echo of each overtly watted-out 12-string.
It is mid 1991 and Republicans have ruled Capitol
Hill for a decade.
It is 1991 and every night on tv there are pictures of a man from Los Angeles getting pummeled by night-stick wielding law enforcement officers.
It is early 90’s and rap is becoming more sociably
acceptable artistic medium. More raw. Patches arriving in the lower left hand
corner of albums warning suburban parents of the explicitly vulgar contents
barking behind the cover, kicking, espousing certain tautologies of the street
with every ripped cadence and bass-saturated subwoofed enhanced beat
It is mid 1991 and everyone seems to be either
diagnosed or dying from AIDS. Freddie Mercury. Magic Johnson. Greg Louganis.
It is 1991 and the New Kids on the block are getting
kind of fucking old. As are hair metal bands.
It is 1991 and my friend Joey Neltner and I arrive
at Co-cop in Campus town, We listen to the wicked bravado of 3rd Bass. We
listen to the political pandering’s and insight of Kool Moe Dee. We listen to QueenLatifah and Yo-Yo. We listen to MC Lyte and are down with OPP, wildly speculating
what the third P really does in fact stand for.
We listen to LL Cool J, combing the sandpaper hinges
of the soon-to-be-torn-down wooden play ground for an around the way girl.
On a whim Joey dare’s me to purchase Amerikkka’s Most Wanted by Ice Cube, a parental advisory
album and they sell it to me sans blink thinking I am 18. Next thing I know my hard-wrought Young Columbus
failed paper route money is purchasing flimsy cassettes featuring trumpeting
four-letter expletives. The Geto Boys.
DOC. 2-short.When DJ Quik’s SWEET BLACK PUSSY comes out everyone in the 7th
grade classroom at Christ Lutheran School on Star street is seemingly handing
me blank cassettes on which I can dub the album. It is the early 90’s and music is changing.
Compact Discs arrive in stores locked in a vertical rectangular box where, at
Co-Op, one is encouraged to remove the CD recycling the receptacle on the spot.
In late May NWA’s latest album arrives with a
police-cordoned murder scene gracing the cover. To this day, Alwayz into
Something ranks as perhaps the most pure narrative track lost in a lower income
lifestyle that I have ever heard, especially when Dre gesticulates in gangsta patois about feeling like a failure his entire life due to the sociological gravity of his surroundings.
I go to school in the South Side of Peoria and I just can't help but somehow concur.
“What’s your girlfriend’s name?” I ask the best
friend from my youth.
I want to know how far my best friend from childhood made it with this creature. He tells me that they haven’t kissed.
No, but its official. We are definitely going out. We talked on the phone for like three hours last night. She is definitely my girlfriend.
I ask her what she smells like. I ask if she smells like a plum orchard.
“No,” David says, telling me that she pretty much just more or less smells
like any other girl.
It is 1991 and Music is changing. There are riots when Metallica’s self-titled
album deemed the BLACK album due to its nocturnal countenance hits the stands, with the Gadsden flag, coiled snake forming a
masonic pyramid above the DONT TREAD ON ME mantra, lead singer James Hetfield
looking like a civil war confederate vet, performing in front of over a million
people at Tushino airfield in Russia as part of the last leg of the Monsters of
Rock tour, monickered the First free concert of the Western World.
Fifteen days later an album by a freshly formed band out of Seattle with a raucous baritone-brimmed lead singer will hit the stands, naming their album simply 10, the number of guitar wielding appendages their limbs bear.

It is 1991 and MTV is officially a scraggily-faced ten year old.
It is 1991 and Michael Jackson releases an album whose cover alone resembles an amusement park for burgeoning pedophiles and inexplicably features Mikhail Gorbachev's profile. Michael will release a video about purportedly about human rights where at the end he ends up dry-humping his right hand before transmogrifying into a panther in a dead-end ally parking lot. MJ who will perform with Slash from Guns-n-Roses at the MTV 10 year anniversary special. MJ's whose album will be completely dethroned from the number 1 spot in early January by a trio seeking grunge enlightenment from Seattle, christening their breakout single after a defunct deodorant, Nevermind, the reverb-resonating anthemic echo of the newfound 90's, Nirvana releasing its album the same date in September as the Red Hot Chili Peppers Bloodsugarsexmagik, whose cover features each member of the band stationed on geometrical lateral sides, each sticking their tongues out as if they are performing cunnilingus to a the thorny stem of a single rose.
After twelve mile run in mid-September I call my best friend up to see how
he is doing at Limestone. After several stuttered purrs he picks up speaking a
rushed monotone. Sentences stream in through the pores of his lips like the
exhaust from a just missed el-train in Chicago.
“Also it looks like I’m going to be going to homecoming with Renae.”
I continue to run.
The night before my first half marathon I have my first kiss inside the leafy woods behind the Christian center near the mall. She is
two years older and is wearing an East
Peoria 94 maroon and gold high school jacket
with her name stitched in rodeo cursive on the side. She is wearing a Marky Mark
and the funke bunch t-shirt. It is early October and the leaves rake with
arthritic propensities against the brown wicks of chlorophyll-depleted grass.
She sits down next to a aged stump near the wending creek that is always dry.
One second she is complaining about being cold and I shield my right arm around
her shoulder like a wing and the next second her face is hovering slow motion
in my direction, her eyes burrowed above her nose like buttons. I remember is
being wet and her tongue periscoping into my lips and the next second we are
lying down and my body is on top of her body like I am paddling a surfboard
against the brush of the incumbent tide and the next second our torsos appear
to be one with the thick drapes of autumn, buckled into a dyslexic denim saddle,
riding the electric pulse into the breath of something new.
With two miles left I can’t move. I am in tears.
My body is completely stagnant. I can’t move.
I am unable to finish the race.
I think about how wet her lips felt when she fell into my upside-down chin.
I tell my father I don’t know.
I don't know why I failed.
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