
At Manual teen pregnancy seems to be through the roof. My senior year an article will run in the paper about Manual having the lowest ISTAT scores in the state and the Highest Teenage pregnancy rate in the nation.  Every fourth female that seemingly waddle passes you seems to be carrying something other than notebooks.  It seems lie 20 percent of the junior class is in some stage of pregnancy. After the bell sneezes I am swallowed. Faces slide past me. Patrick is almost always by my aside bitching that he doesn’t have time to go outside and smoke cigarette he filched form his mom’s pocket book. Everyone is pregnant, including our masochistic algebra teacher Mrs. Peabody.  She is chewing the class out after our first quiz. She is stating that this is remedial stuff we should have had as advanced seventh graders.

Aron Rothman has spent the last week water-torturing Patrick referring to him incessantly as PAM.


“Hey Pam, how’d you do on that first test PAM. Oh, 69. Well, at least that’s closet to getting laid you’ll ever get in high school.”

Aron didn’t do much better. He got a 71. I got a 69 as well. The highest in the class was a 77.

Maybe it is just hormonal. Mrs. Peabody continues to bark.

“Quit calling him that,”

Aron Rothmann just won’t shut the fuck up. He is letting Pat have it. The whole classroom is referring to him how as PAM. Both those who have graduated from St. Marks and those who have graduated from Christ Lutheran.
I feel like telling Aron that Pam is the name of the woman who unearthed the garage door lids of my eyes to the world of the arts.  He is not paying attention. Every time Mrs. Peabody’s back is turn to cater to an  oblivious Sherman he begins to emotional castigate my best friend once again.

I want to raise my hand and tell her that, like cool Joe Thomas, it wouldn’t fucking kill her to get in front of the classroom and elucidate some of the proofs instead of incessantly lambasting us that we should know this already.

“PAM, that really sucks PAM. You are such a pussy. Pam.”

I look back  I tell Aron to knock it off. He responds back by telling me to shut the fuck up.

He mouths the word fuck so that Mrs. Peabody would not hear.

In 7th grade Aron Rothman, in tandem with fellow bully Mario Rutrherford  pinned me down in the corner of a locker room before a game with Concordia Lutheran placing a jock strap fraught with human feces on my head like a three-corner cap.  They laughed and pointed. I had human shit in my eyes. IN my nose.  On my lips.  They did the same thing to my fellow cohort Jeremiah. When I got up and pushed them out of the way they tackled me down, removed the shit-strained bonnet from Jeremiah’s head and  again, foisted it on to of mine like a crown of thorns.

Mario is at Central. Somehow he participated in the first young Columbus and was pathetic.

Aron just won’t shut up. When Mrs. Peabody’s head is turned he is making motions  like he is sucking on a cock. He then points to Pat, addressing him as PAM, makes an uncouth comment about his mom in reference to a sexual position.

Patrick’s face looks like a disco ball slowly filling up with blood.

Without a word Patrick lifts up his Algebra book and slams it down. The moment Mrs. Peabody rather caricatured neck swivels he stomps out of the room. When peers look back at Aron  pinwheels his orotund double- chin assays the classroom and says the word what, feigning naiveté.


I follow Patrick out of the classroom.

The barometer of his facial features is ready to explode.


Today, after Cool Joe Thomas BIO where he talks about nothing at all I am asking Angelina Lighthouse to the Freshman mixer on Friday.


I have made up my mind.


In the hall Patrick is hitting the locker as hard as he can. He is kicking it. Vern McElfrsh who somehow helps out with track and field walks out into the hallway and makes an off-with-her-head sign with the side of his oblique palm sliced over his neck telling Patrick to cut it out. Patrick is still red. Aron and Eric are walking the opposite direction to Coach Mann’s class.


Pat man, dude man, calm down. It’s not the end of the fucking world.”

“Sick of this shit. It was all this shit at Christ Lutheran. Now. It’s here at Manual.”

“Dude, fuck him. He has one eyebrow. He looks like Bert off of Sesame Street.”

Patrick kicks the side of a random locker again. Two more teachers walk out in the hallway. I push Patrick in the nearest bathroom. Before I realize it a Benson and Hedge he filched from his mother’s pocket book is planted between his lips and he is firing it up.

“Pat man.”

“Dude I don’t fucking care anymore. I don’t care about any of this shit.”

He looks at the mirror.

“The teachers don’t do anything. It’s just like CLS. They don’t give a shit. They don’t give a fuck. They just let those fuckers get away with everything.”

Two men are at the urinal. One is also trying to smoke while being discreet. Patrick is looking at his craggily three-day no shave cigarette toting visage in the mirror one second and the next second his fist ejaculates from nowhere, pummeling his reflection back in the mirror into a web of serrated triangles.

His knuckles are bleeding.

The two junior classmates zip up scampering out of the bathroom.

Patrick is bleeding.

Dude, man, Pat you got to go see the school nurse. Your hand is bleeding.

Patrick responds by telling me that he doesn’t give a fuck.

“No Pat man seriously you got ta go. It’ll give you an excuse not to see those assholes next hour in Coach Mann’s class.”

“I’m not going to Coach Mann’s class. If I go to Coach Mann’s class, somebody is going to die.”

“Patrick man,”

He pushes me away. He sounds like a Pentecostal minister as her pushes me away telling me to go.

He goes into a stall and bends down.

I try to stay. I can tell that Patrick doesn’t want me to see him.

I go to Coach Mann’s class alone.


Years later my father will say that while watching WITH HONORS he thinks that I look just like Brendan Frasier due to the method in which I comb my hair.  Dual decades late when I am working as a facilitator for Wayward youth of the Stet we will watch a modernized adaptation of Journey to the center of the earth with Brendan Fraiser as the protagonist and the residents will think it I am making a cameo as the lead.

Years later on a drunken whim I make love to an older women on my paper route.

She is only a few years younger than my mom and her husband has just died.

She tells me that she puts on The Mummy, watches Brendan Frasier and masturbates thinking about me.
Touching herself, two fingers flapping, brushing together, as if wings of an unknown butterfly trying to make her body lift up and fly.


I see Patrick fifteen minutes after the bell rings to welcome third hour. He has a pass excusing him to class.  His face looks like he has been crying. Like a Kool-Aid pitcher. He is seated three rows ahead of me.  I ask him if everything is okay.  He says he’ll tell me about it at lunch.

I am still concerned with asking out Angelina Lighthouse to the freshman mixer. Today is the day. Her hair looks exceptionally blown dried. She has been smiling at me. On her notebook where she has been reading the 50 pages a night6 and taking notes there are little hearts linked by what looks like an inky kite string.

Once again Cool Joe Thomas quickly asks if we have any questions. After three seconds he says good, informing us that we have the next 50 pages to read and take notes on. He then  talks about what noticeably transpired in his bowling league last night with some girl named Marge.

Two weeks in and Joe Thomas has not cracked open the text or said a scientific term once.

Angelina Lighthouse looks at me. She continue to caricature bulbous hearts on her notepad.

They look like hot air balloons.

They look like they can carry me someplace I have never ben before. 



After class I am stepping out of the scent of Formaldehyde. I am leaving the pee-stain interior of the science hallway behind.  Once again I am close enough to sniff her shampoo.

It is gonna happen. I am going to ask her to the Freshman Mixer this weekend.

I am dancing in a field of baby shampoo and flowers and angelic wreaths and the moment I step next to her, the moment I look at the creature who doodles aortic blimps on the sheaths of spiral notebooks, the creature I am salivating over, I am yanked back.

It is Patrick.



I was about ready to ask Angelina to the freshman Mixer. I can tell that she is stalling. I hold up my pointer finger as if it is a this-little-light-gonna-let-it-shine emblem and tell her one emblem. Tell her just to wait one second.

“You okay bro,”

“Dude it was amazing!”

I utter an audible hmffff.  Patrick’s hand is bandaged in cardboard paper towels, self-medicated from the bathroom dispenser.

“It was so cool man.”


“I stayed in the bathroom and just smoked the entire period. When that weird looking cop open the door I just crouched on top of the toilet. After the bell rang I went to Coach Mann’s classroom and apologized for missing his class. The cool thing was, he looked at my arm, asked me to have a seat and then inquired what happened.”

I look down I can see Angelina waiting. She is chewing gum. She is looking down at her shoes. I know that Patrick needs me to confide in. We have the next three periods together. I am trying to tell Patrick to wait. He yanks my arm back even further and continues.

"The cool thing was, Coach Mann didn’t seemed pissed in the slightest. He asked me what was wrong. He asked me if my hand was okay. I then confided in him about all the shit that has been going on in Mrs Peabody’s classroom and how those fucks from Christ Lutheran keep on fucking with me."


I look back. Angelina is talking with cheerleader, as if being whisked away by a vicarious

“The thing is, and this is so cool, Coach Mann didn’t really seem to care. He kept on inquiring about my hand. When I told him that I felt I was being bullied he kept quoting all these old Historians. He kept talking about courage. He kept talking about holding my head up when no one believed in me. He kept going on and on and

Pat asks me if I would like to come over tonight and just hang out.

“I’d be over but I have a meet?”


“Cross-country meet.”

“Another one.”

Patrick is tilting is head again in an irascible manner.

“Yeah, I’ll be over later. This meet is in Pekin. They’re a bunch of biggots but whatcha gonna do?”    

The coolest thing was that after the class ended, he didn’t even mark me absent. He said I was excused for that period. Then he wrote me a note to be late to cool Joe Thomas’s class.

I don’t know what to say. When last I saw my best friend he was ravaging mirrors and espousing vengeance.

“He then said next semester I should go out for football because apparently I have the built of a kick-ass safety.”

Patrick strikes a Heisman trophy pose. I look ahead. I have missed my opportunity.


Angelina Lighthouse is nowhere to be found.

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