At Manual everyone is celebrating. Clinton only received 5 million more votes than Bush. Perot received  20 million votes.  20 million Americans who weren't afraid to throw their vote away on a cause they believed in. I can't help but picture the boy in my French class from last summer in front of the glazed chin of his television sobbing when they announced the results.Mr. Reents is ecstatic. He mentions the sluggish economy. Cool Joe Thomas asks everyone to raise their hands and inquired how many of ya'll stayed up late last night to watch the results of the election. Mrs. Peabody fails to mention the class at all, stating that the highest any of us so-called enriched students are getting is a D. Coach Mann talks about passing the metaphorical torch but doesn't invest  political ardor in one particular candidate. Instead he quotes from the Machiavelli  about how in politics on the world stage especially, everyone sees what you appear to be few see what you really are.

He then points to a poster on the right of his room.

"For those interested West Lake cinema will be showing Last of the Mohicans this weekend. I've been told its only a buck. Any student who chooses to see it and then give an oral presentation about French and Indian war will receive extra-credit.

Coach Mann looks at me with that glint in his eye.

During potato bar at lunch Patrick is still on his emotional tirade concerning the results of the election.

"Just wait, due, Clinton won't even make it to the inauguration. Just wait. JFK. That's all I'm saying."

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