A chance for immortality...


It is after early bird PE. I make it a point to walk with Patrick near the rubber gym, past the weight room, past the yellow film negative tile coating the science hall way where labs are equipped with gas lines and there are Bunsen burners and sinks and dead rodents of varying degrees and the wafting intellectual noisome scent of Formaldehyde achingly hangs in the air. The only class Patrick and myself do not have together is Early Bird PE, where he is taking Freshman requisite Health in that time frame.

Patrick seems to look at me like what do you want. I tell him wait. He inquires how things are transpiring with that  hot blonde.

“Dude man, she has an ass. I would totally hit that shit.”

This is what I wanted to show you.”  I point at the record board. There is the freshman record held by my cousin.

“My first meet is tonight bro. This is what I’m gunning for. A shot an immortality.”

Patrick says that its just a fucking bulletin board.

“Yeah but if I get the record I get my name on the board.
"Well whoop-dee-fucking-shit."

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