It is high school and there are girls. They seemingly float between classroom doors like ballerinas with origami limbs. In high school there is girls. In high school the hallways smell of stringent disinfectant. In high school the cheerleaders where there cheerleading uniform to school every Friday for game day while members of the football squad attire themselves in numbered jerseys. 

Patrick can’t refrain from saying Dude, I really want to hit that shit every time we pass by different cadre of females.

At the beginning of third hour cool Joe Thomas asks us if we have any question about the material
The next class period Cool Joe Thomas continues to talk about his bowling league and some lady named Marge. He talks how he was growing up in southern Illinois he one time ate 20 hot dogs in a row then went out back to discreetly vomit so he could eat five more hot dogs and beat the fat boy down the street in some sort of neighborhood hot dog challenge. He talks about how  there was a bum in his neighborhood who was homeless and always passed out. He asks if we read the material and requests that we hold up our notes. He inquires if any of us caught NOVA last night. He asks if saw MY COUSIN VINNY when it was out in the theatre last summer and says that that shit cracks him up. He curses and doesn’t apologize. He says that he has been trying to diet which has been hard since he had to entertain some sort of Scientific dudes speaking at ICC and that Jumer’s purported has one hell of a Cheese cake and how can you say no.
He refers to his student in the plural as quote, people. He says that us people need to spend at least one h our a night on every subject if we wish to succeed. He says that he is the faculty advisor
He ends the class period about asking us if we have any questions.    
The cute girl who responds to the appellation of Angelina Lighthouse is sitting on both her legs. She swivels her barstool lab chair in my direction.
“For next class period read and take notes on the next 50 pages.”

I am concentrated almost solely on the upcoming race in Canton this weekend.

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