Math is making absolutely no sense. It is like we are trying to diagram sentences in Sanskrit. Mrs. Peabody keeps on belittling us asking why none of us have seen this before. She states that she is not going to go back and teach remedial Algebra.

The first week three students’ drop out of Mrs. Peabody’s class.

Mrs. Peabody makes a note to convey to us that it is not her fault if the institution we previously attended, parochial as it was, lagged behind in state standards.

She reminds us that we are enriched students we should have had this stuff by now and this is just a refresher prologue to the rest of the semester so to speak. 

I feel like raising my hand. I feel like telling her that we took advanced 8th grade algebra and that all of us were A students at Christ Lutheran and it wasn’t just a cookie walk, a lot of us had to struggle.

Only I refrain.

She is talking out of control. There are binomials and trinomials and quadratic equations. There are no chalk boards in Mrs. Peabody’s class room. Only white board with a marker.  She is talking very fast. It is like she has something to prove.  The majority of the class is just looking back at her and nodding.

I have never felt more lost in my life.

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