Superman’s body is stagnant. Everyone is standing around his body as if it were a coffee table Unmoving. Lois has lifted the tattered cape of his gaunt countenance as a relic for the being she loves. There are fights between the chief of police and Starlabs. Guardian is saying that he can’t get a pulse no matter how many times he genuflects down on his knees and blows into through his lips. There are arguments. Here are procedures. A fellow newscaster is harping at Lois informing her that she has a job to do as a reporter, unaware that Lois was engaged to the super hero’s doppelganger, unaware that she has lost two people she loves.

The creature now monikered as Doomsday is being lifted up with anti-gravity pods. He is still impossible to move. The man of Steels friends are toting a energy defibrillator, winged policemen are firing at it, Bilbo the amicable lush whose life Superman saved years ago is administering the initial shock.


He is gone.


Lois is back at the planet. She is at her computer. There has been no sign of her co-worker and fiancé Clark for over ten hours. He is among the missing.


She sits in front of her computer in a welt of tears and does the one thing she knows how to do.

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