The light is switched on in my new bedroom.  I am on the floor. The notecards I have been spilling on my speech is splattered I am looking for Renae. I am looking for the creature I was somehow supposed to save

My father’s voice is pulling me up.

“You alright?”

It is morning.


“Yeah, I tell him. "

I feel the calloused palm of my father’s hand yanking me above the carpet. I am standing as if with sea legs. I am sweating drops of bullets. I am looking around my bedroom. I am looking for Superman. I am looking for a bottomless Renae. I swear I hear Betsy giggling in the corner near the full length mirror.

“I was having crazy dreams. I must’ve fallen out of bed.”

Father mentions something about the music I’ve been listening to and how it sounds like it would invoke nightmares. I swipe my head back and forth. I tell him that I will be out in a second to start the route.

As I look down on the carpet of the room that once gave music I see the Gideon Bible. It is overturned and looks like a tent. When I pick it up I see the Identity bracelet Renae gave me.

It is January and it is cold and the breath of the season greets me as I walk out the living room door to start my route.


I know what I need to do.

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