Brenda, Kelly, Big Ben....

When my father goes to bed I immediately call Dawn. Dawn isn’t home. I call Renae. I tell her the news.


“Yeah. I tried to win the last two years only I failed. Last year when I used to walk past Mrs. Best office just to drool over the homecoming picture with you and David Best I thought I won. I rehearsed my speech for hours on end. I used to listen to enya  while practicing. I honestly never thought I would be in the Young Columbus again.”

Renae is silent.

“I mean, I felt like last year was my year and I failed.  I felt like I really had a shot last year and this really amazing girl named Karen Christmas beat me.”
"England. I thought you said that you wanted to go to France . That you wanted to go to Paris.”
I tell her that I did.
Renae seems to shrug.  She doesn’t seem interested. It’s like it is almost no big deal. She tells me that she ‘s excited about watching Beverly Hills 90210 tonight because it is heavily rumored that Brenda and Dylan will be breaking up for good and that Dylan will get back with Kelly whom he had a tryst with last summer when Brenda was in Paris.”


“So, Ginger/ Maryanne,  Betty or Veronica.  How about you?  Are you more Brenda or Kelly.”


“Oh Kelly. Definitely. Brenda’s a total self-indulged bitch. “
Renae continues to tell me that Kelly is really cool even though most people think she is superficial because all she does is shop and flirt.


I tell Renae that all she does is shop and flirt.
“When I get to England in a couple of months I’ll send you a postcard. Maybe I’ll even call you from over seas. “


I tell Renae that I can’t believe that I got another opportunity to participate in the contest again

“Last year I thought it was it. I never thought this would happen.” 

Renae shrugs again. I can’t understand why she isn’t basking in my enthusiasm.

We talk for another 20 minutes. Renase says that she has to go and watch 90210.
We say goodbye the way we have been saying goodbye for the last couple of weeks.

We say I love you very quick before hanging up.

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