There was some sort of a mix-up. Patrick’s movie started later but got out first and when they spotted Amy’s mom in the parking lot they took off together. Apparently it was only when Patrick got home that he called Mama Hale. Mama Hale called my parents who said it would be no problem.

Hale sits up front. Renae is in the backseat.

The rain is beginning to flagellate the side of out station wagon.  We take rersvoir to creek road.  It is obvious my parents seemed irked about the mix-up and having to get dressed and find their teenage son with his best friend and beautiful blond girl at going on eleven o’clock at night.

Hale says it was pretty much all Patrick’s fault.

When I return home that night dad is furious.


“You were out late. None of us knew where you were. You could have been stuck there all night.”


I tell dad it is no big deal. I tell him that we where just hanging out.


“And crazy Patrick McReynolds leading all of us on a goose chase.”


I tell Dad that it wasn’t Patrick’s fault I tell him that Sandy Hale had originally planned to pick everyone up then couldn’t make it at the last second

Dad is irked. He is blaming Patrick. I am trying to tell him that it’s not Patrick’s fault.

“Besides Patrick is moving anyway. He’ll be going to Limestone next semester because his parents believe in education.All my friends go to Limestone. It just seems the kids who go there have more of a future ahead of them than at the school where I’m attending. Hell, it seems like kids who go to Central have more of a future.”

Dad says sorry. I tell dad I could live here and use grandma’s address. I tell Dad he has worked for Limestone district since ’79.

“You can’t use grandma’s address,. That would be cheating.”

“Yeah, well you’re cheating me. I hate my high school. I feel like I don’t belong. I feel that everything there is only going to get worse. I want to go somewhere else where it feels like I have a future. I want to go to a high school where I have a group of friends to go out and hang out with on a Friday night. I want to go to a high school like the ones at the State meet where cross-country was considered a real sport and not a footnote to football..”

“Hey, its not that bad. What about Coach Ricca. What about that English teacher you like so much. It’s not that bad.”

Dad tells me that good things are coming.

Dad tells me just to wait and see. 

Dad tells me that I just don't need a girlfriend right now.

Later that night I look at the identity bracelet. It looks like a collar some rich widow would harness to the neck of her poodle like a fallen halo.

My father is pissed. He tell me that I am not allowed to see Renae again.

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