JLA doomsday

 They arrive and a thatch of interstate in eastern Ohio is Armageddon.  From the overhead aerial view it looks like yanked the cement ribbon of the right lane and pulled it out in like laying a carpet in reverse. There is billowing smoke. There is an overturned tanker instigated in flame. There is a massive 62 car pile up. There are splashes of lights from a nearby siren. Bodies a strewn dotting the side of the highway. The police are calling this creature some sort of monster man. It doesn’t appear to have any set path. It appears to be on a rampage, spawning havoc. It appears to be destroying everything that is in front of its path. A juggernaut clad in what looks like some sort of nuclear-protective spacesuit. 
Everything is emanating past the avenue frames of the page. The creature is tears and snorting. He is given the moniker of Doomsday by a dopey looking Booster Gold.Guy Gardner has a dyke-female soccer player haircut. He is searing across high way over passes The chalky granite clod is tearing apart the Justice League like junk mail. Like  shredding Valu coupons.  The Justice League is being dismantled. They are being disrobed.

Beetle is the first to succumb to his wrath. He is picked up and spiked like a football, planted like a exclamatory stalk of corn into the cement siding of a Lexco Oil refinery. He is then hurled 800 meters.  He is listless. He is not moving. He is bandied. He is bruised. Ice is yelping for Maxima to leave the group of Justice  avatars and to get him to medical help.

The team sworn to protect Justice to the continent is in need of help.


A Super man.


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