
They are the pair of boots that are simply bad ass. They correlate with the Harley I envision having before I graduate. The black and mock-leather and ride up mid shin like a skateboard ramp. In the center of the boots is a silver socket with three leather straps extending all directions.

Even though they come from payless. Even though they are thirty dollars.  When I am collecting and I wear the boots everyone asks me if I bought them at Christian Bros in the mall.
Sometimes I lie.

I am still limping from a season of failure. From spending the latter half of the season performing laps in the pool.  I should be taking it easy. I am still walking with a half-limp. With a stutter to my gait.

Rneae and I are to have our first official date this Friday as a couple.  I wonder if we will kiss. I haven't kissed anyone since Dawn Michelle and after we embraced she acted like I gave he genital warts on her heart.

I invited David Hale to join us since these are kids he goes to high school with.

When I get my boots on I feel older. When I wear the boots I feel like things are happening.

It feels like there is nothing I cannot do.





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