Little Earthquakes


I buy the album on the day it came out in campus town co-op because it reminded me of enya.  Outside it was snowing dirt sawdust fractals of snow that looked like magnified saw blades. had seen the video once on Vh1 and was mesmerized. Was mesmerized by the red head with the cherry winter cheek-bones and the ivory snow skin correlating with the felt chimes of the pianos keys
When I get home for some reason the album doesn’t play. I try playing the first song. It sounds scratchy. It makes noises that sound like there is a magnified piano on a nuclear submarine.
I am irked.
I have just lost the Young Columbus for the second year in a row. I want a friend. I want music.
I place the album in my desk with a giant Z slashed in the center and forget about it until mid-October when it will be there when I need it most.
The album I bought that just won’t play.

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