Umbros and Algebraic dreams...

Seven hours earlier I am limping to class. I am excused form early bird PE. I go to the pool and simulate like I am running. I wear my umbros. Often I wear a pair of sneakers,. The swimming instructor Mrs. Bruington is impressed by my dedication. She inquires if I ever considered swimming as a sport.


“No, I’m a runner. I like to thrash across the land.”


I go to first hour I am limping. I have an orange note from the office stating I was excused the previous day because of a medical appointment. I am to show the note to Mrs. Peabody and Mr. Mann since those are the two classes I mussed the previous day when I was getting my leg x-ray.  I had quizzes in both classes. Mrs. Peabody was ionizer algorithms. Coach Mann was over Machiavelli.


Mrs. Peabody’s class started out with fifteen students. We are down to seven.


I have been getting into it with Mrs. Peabody ever since last week when I asked if I could come in after school for help and she called me a snooty jock, insinuating the the world did not evolve around my itinerary.


She accepts the orange slips and looks at it like a traffic ticket before initialing it.


When the bell sneezes I walk up to her desk and inquire when I can re-take yesterdays quiz.


“I’m sorry. You were absent.”


I was excused. I had a medical procedure. I was excused, I have a note from the office.”


“The teacher excuses you not the office.”


“That is absolutely not true.” I tell her. She respond by telling me that she is sorry but she is afraid so.


“Look, I  had to get an x-ray yesterday. It was a medical procedure in which I had to miss most of my morning classes. I had my mom call me in and she cleared it with the office that I was excused.”


Mrs Peabody doesn’t have to be like this.


“I have a cast, I can hardly walk. I had a medical procedure which I spent with my math book studying. I should have an opportunity like everyone else.”


She is being a bitch.


“It’s not like one quiz was going to change your grade all that much. You are getting a Dplus. With the curve you should get a mid to low C.”


I have never gotten a C in my life. I want to call her out. I want to call her a bitch. A cunt. A piece of Pythagorean numerical detritus.


I think about how in the introduction to the text it says that algebra comes form the Arabic meaning a reunion of broken parts.


It feels like every part of me is broken right now. My leg. My heart. My ambitions. My future.


My dreams.

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