The Big Ten has started doing something called
Smurfing it up. Smurfing it up means putting on your red jacket and tying the
hood on the top tight so it looks like you are bald and red and then protruding
your ears out the side of the hood so that one slightly resembles a smurf if
Alred E. Neuman were a smurf. It is inane Instead of saying Big Ten give it up
they say Big Ten SMURF it up form a conga line and start humming the smurf theme
song. Everything is in truncated La’s It was cute in Hyde park when Spencer thought of it before mediating over his theology but its getting stale. Everything is either BIG TEN
give it up when Trevor is looking of OPEN JEWELS when he is not. Jim says that we can’t forget about jumping
on the Daisy Train, making a comment how Daisy will probably end up harvesting all
of her poached jewels so that she can pay for college someday.
Vivian discusses how we have quite a treat that awaits us now don't we? She tells us that we will be dining in the oldest Coach Inn/pub in all of London. She states that the date of the George dates back to the 16-century.
"It is recorded that both William Shakespeare and Charles Dickins used to enjoy a pint or two here back in the day so it is somewhat of a literary establishment, now isn't it.
From the outside there are several white terraces reminiscent of an antebellum ice cream social. We pass a gate withe the words the George followed by the numbers 77 trapped in a lighting apparatus, which makes me think of the year I was born and the band I discovered last month while in Chicago.
Vivian states also that the originally establishment was burnt down in the fire of London but rebuilt on the same spot. After inquiring apparently no on in our group has perused Little Dorrit. Vivian makes reference that one can easily William Shakespeare congregating here since the Globe is only just down the street.
I place my glasses in the side of my Crimson pocket.
The Big ten is still humming the theme song to the smurfs. Everything is
blurry, a fractaled thumbprint. I am walking in we are being directed to sit on
the far off room of the George.
From up ahead I can make out Vinny with his camcorder.
Several of the college chaperons are
answering questions about where to sit. I can make our several members Bus #4.
The kid with the moustache and the beige trenchant who resembles a white trash
Paul McCartney always appears to be everywhere at the same time. For a second, with my glasses off I swear I
hear Jennifer Flood. Harmony is nowhere. She has been nowhere all day. Nat is
still walking around with one hand around the girl, acting like he just found
out he was the heir to the Onassis fortune.
Behind them, with my glasses off, I see Meg Weaver. Even near-sighted I
can make out the lashes of her smile. I wonder if anyone has heard from
Harmony. As I walk in her direction I hear a voice.
“Hey use.” It is Rose from Greta’s and Sheila’s group.
She is wearing sunglasses even though we are indoors.
I tell her hello. Even though she is southern and
sweet and on the bus I for some inexplicable reason yearn to be a part of my
thoughts are fumbling over Harmony. I
tell Rose hi without looking her directly I the face. The group as a whole is
being shepherded in different directions.
From ahead I swear I hear Our Wendy offering her Dear Abby opinions on
life to anyone who will listen. Purportedly Lynn Minton met with 20 kids this
afternoon so I am somewhat surmising that is where Harmony was when I called
her. Vivian is holding up her umbrella referencing the dining area upstairs
once serving as the actual lodging facility. As I following the Big Ten a sit
of shoulders appears in front of me causing me to fortuitously slam into them.
It is someone from the older buses.
“Hey, sorry man.”
I look up. It is Ezekiel Bosh-Midden. .
“You asshole. Watch w\here you are walking.”
Zeke stakes the name of the Lord in vain. He says Jesus. His lip continues to scowl at me.
There is no need for him to belittle me. I didn’t bump into him that hard. His
girlfriend, the other YC winner from Arkansas is looking at Zeke like she wants
him to clobber me.
“Hey, real sorry man. I didn’t see you in front of me.
I Apollo…”
“Well for crissakes watch were you are going. Jesus don’t you people just don't haVE any respect for anyone.”
Zeke says the word Jesus again like Roman senator just
gave him a choice between the messiah and Barabbas. Behind him I can see Meg
Weaver looking at me with an upside-down smile. I don’t know what I did wrong.
I have been nothing but civil for him the entire trip. I don’t know why he has decided
to loathe me from the outset.
I wonder what Zeke meant when he referred to me collectively as you people.
“Jesus,” Zeke states again, as I am following the Big Ten
to my place.
The Big Ten is seated at the far back of the George. We pass nearly every other group to get to our table. I see no Mark. I see no Harmony. When I pass Dandelion’s table she points in my direction as if she is pushing an elevator button.
“ You. You, I don’t like you.”
I point and say what.
“Yeah, I don’t like you. You kicked Spencer in the
you-know-where. You really wounded him. He couldn’t talk for like an hour. I
don’t like you.”
I want to tell her that it was retaliation for a
puerile game. I want to tell her that I didn’t exactly emasculate him.
Instead I am more sarcastic.
“I was just trying to turn him into the Fisher King.”
She doesn’t glean the mythological reference. She says
what, Robin Williams.
"Yeah, Robin Williams," I say, demeaning, wanting to say that Spencer was talking about harvesting her ovaries like Faberge eggs only minutes earlier.
At dinner entire Big Ten with the
exception of Josh and Myself are wearing their YC’ 93 jackets like smurfs until
Liz gives them the look. They are seated as the table with their hands on their
lap per the rules of OPEN JEWELS. Occasionally when one of the BIG TEN s
cutting into his again this time Shepherd’s pie or taking a swig of his Sprite
the peer next to him will pummel his lap and the table will end up in stitches.Harmony never called me back. In the aperture of rooms leading to the left
and my right I am surrounded by Strangers. Spencer is stating that he is never
going to eat beef again when he gets back to the states. Josh is constantly reminded all smurf-it-up
Big Tenners about the Skit rehearsal tonight by using the words top secret and
awesome in the same sentence.
Jim points and says what’s that Trevor saying Kenny's head turns and he gets hammered in the nads.
Again I don’t want to be here. Again I feel ostracized by my
own group. Sir Charles comes over and gives a little league Coach slap on the
back looking at me as if I just struck out with the bases loaded. I don’t get
along with anyone in my group. The otherwinner from my area code completely reviles me and
purportedly has some sort of vitriolic vendetta against me. Harmony is cool one
second and the elusive the next.
Spencer is correlating our daily serving of Shepherds pie to
that of a fecal sample.
I don’t want to be here.
There are no announcements after dinner because the George
is so spread out but Liz Madigan has the counselors go to table to table
stating, remember, tomorrow we are meeting the US ambassador to the United Kingdom so wear
your ties. There is a Big Ten give it up. Everyone again forms smurf hats wit
their hoodies. Daisy points her finger
as if she is casting a spell on me as I pass her by.
In the beer garden
Sir Charles is counting heads. I see the mustached trench-coat lad and the
southern boy from Alabama who is always polite. I am in dire need of conversation so
I step up and ask him how its hanging.
Before he answers me back in his molasses-drawl
I swear I can feel
her smile on the back of my neck. I have been waiting to see her all day and
can feel her scent attacking me. I swear it is Harmony.
As I turn around I see her.
It is Rita.
As always she is by herself.
“Hey you,.We saw and you your friend, what’s his name, Mark,
walking around Hyde park today. It looks like you guys were involved in some
pretty heavy conversation.”
![]() |
not Rita but Dreamily reminiscent.... |
I tell her that yeah, Mark’s a good guy. The Big Ten are
completely out of control. I am trying not to be sullen.
I can tell Rita is trying to make conversation with me
“Can you believe that William Shakespeare used to dine here.
And Charles Dickens. That’s pretty crazy that a monument would still be
functioning from three hundred years ago.
“Yeah, he was drinking
beer and soliciting the services of prostitutes probably in the same
exact area where I just consumed my third consecutive Shpeherd’s pie this week.”
“Harry!!” She says, almost admonishing. I don’t know how she
started calling me Harry.
I look down.
“Sorry about the sarcastic. It’s just been a long day.”
Rita smiles.
“Yeah, it’s been a crazy day too. I really enjoyed London
but it seems like the bulk of my group is the busy coordinating this meeting
with the British kids thing and the person who is Lynn Minton’s toady didn’t
ask me.”
“She didn’t ask me either,” I reply, knowing that Rita is
talking about Harmony.
“Really, I figured since you guys were so close and
everything she would have invited you?”
I tell her no. I tell her that everyone on this trip has
pretty much written off the Big Ten as being a bunch of sophomoric imbeciles.
“I’m so blessed to be here but sometimes when I’m with my
group I feel like I’m stranded in the locker room back home.”
Rita smiles. She is standing close to me. All day long I
have been musing over witticisms to use on Harmony on the phone. Rita seems
like she wants more. The female
Counselors are marshaling the groups together. I don’t know when I will see
Rita next. Although we seemed to have clicked on the phone last night it seems
like Harmony wants nothing to do with me.
On a quantum whim I decide to flirt with Rita instead. I ask
her if she enjoyed the Hard Rock Café and the Tower of London. I ask her if she is excited getting ready to
meet with her group to decide about the skit tonight. When Rita replies that she really enjoyed
Madame Tussuads I use a line that I was saving for Harmony and tell her that I
was looking for her statue but apparently the proprietor of Madame Tussuads
keeps the wax angels on a different floor higher to heaven.
Rita looks down and blushes.
Something is cutting open inside of me. Something cathartic
is transpiring.
I can hear Charles say Big Ten give it up. It is now or
“Hey, you don’t mind if I call you tonight, do you?”
I add if she’s not busy or anything. Rita looks down and
says no. I turn around and see the neatly trimmed southern Baptist lad from
Alabama. He is wearing a white shirt with several pens visible in the top
I ask if I can borrow a pen. Before I finish thanking him I
turn around and hand the pen plus a ripped portion of a napkin to Rita.
“Write down your number. I’ll call you around say midnight
or so.”
A smile is rising like the sun over the Thames across her
She says yeah. On the napkin she writes her number. When she
writes her name I can see where in lieu of a dot she adorns the top of her lower
case i with a little heart
I take the folded napkin without looking at it and place it
in my side pocket.
“Great, I’ll call you around midnight and we can look at the
moon together.”
There is a smile welded on to her lips. It is like Harmony
never existed. I feel a push. Jim Baker is telling me to comeon’ loverboy.
I look back at Rita. For the first time on this trip she is
talking to a girl in her group. I give her a wave goodbye.
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